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Data Recovery on Linux and ext3


This article discusses the process of recovering deleted data from an ext3 partition, on a system running Linux, using a process called data carving. This basic technique is useful in any number of situations, such as recovering data that has been accidentally deleted by a user, information removed in an attempt to erase signs of a system intrusion that could be used to track the source, or data erased by an end-user attempting to cover up an acceptable use policy infraction...

How to Install Tuxonice in Ubuntu


TuxOnIce is most easily described as the Linux equivalent of Windows’ hibernate functionality,but better. It saves the contents of memory to disk and powers down. When the computer is started up again, it reloads the contents and the user can continue from where they left off. No documents need to be reloaded or applications reopened and the process is much faster than a normal shutdown and start up.

Screen – Manages multiple sessions on one terminal


Screen is a program that allows you to have multiple logins on one terminal. It is useful in situations where you are telnetted into a machine or connected via a dumb terminal and want more than just one login.screen-profiles includes a set of profiles for the GNU screen window manager. These profiles are quite useful on server machines which are not running a graphical desktop.

Install & Configure IPplan IP Manager in openSUSE


IPplan is a free opensource IP Address management application. IPPlan is a web based IP address management software and tracking tool simplifying the administration of your IP address space. IPplan goes beyond IP address management including DNS administration, configuration file management, circuit management and storing of hardware information.

Highlight Domain & Subdomain for SSL websites in Firefox


When you visit a Secure website in Firefox chances are that the FavIcon for the website is replaced with a Green bar with the details of the company. This is because of the default properties in Firefox to display detailed information of the website from the Extended Validation Certificate on the website. However, if the website doesn’t host a Extended Validation certificate then the website URL (link) in the address bar is not highlighted or in otherwords shows as a normal website URL.

Install Mplayer and Multimedia Codecs (libdvdcss2,w32codecs) in Debian 5.0 (Lenny)


MPlayer is a movie and animation player that supports a wide range of codecs and file formats, including MPEG 1/2/4, DivX 3/4/5, Windows Media 7/8/9, RealAudio/Video up to 9, Quicktime 5/6, and Vivo 1/2. It has many MMX/SSE(2)/3Dnow(Ex) optimized native audio and video codecs, but allows using XAnim’s and RealPlayer’s binary codec plugins, and Win32 codec DLLs. It has basic VCD/DVD playback functionality, including DVD subtitles, but supports many text-based subtitle formats too.

Minicom - HyperTerminal replacement in Ubuntu


Minicom is a clone of the MS-DOS “Telix” communication program. It emulates ANSI and VT102 terminals, has a dialing directory and auto zmodem download.

cutmp3 - Command Line MP3 Editor in openSUSE


cutmp3, as the name implies is a simple command line tool to edit and cut MP3 files without loosing any quality. cutmp3 can edit the mp3 files interactively or selection (start time and end time) can be provided from the command line or even better can be used with a timetable fiile specifiying different start/end times from the same MP3 files.

Swiftfox - A faster build for Firefox webbrowser


Swiftfox is yet another free browser which is an optimized build of the Mozilla Firefox web browser. The browser is fully compatible with any existing themes, extensions for Firefox.

Step By Step Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty) LAMP Server Setup


In around 15 minutes, the time it takes to install Ubuntu Server Edition, you can have a LAMP (Linux,Apache, MySQL and PHP) server up and ready to go. This feature, exclusive to Ubuntu Server Edition, is available at the time of installation.The LAMP option means you don’t have to install and integrate each of the four separate LAMP components, a process which can take hours and requires someone who is skilled in the installation and configuration of the individual applications.

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