Installing Ruby on Rails on Fedora Core 5

Quick notes on installing Ruby on Rails on Fedora Core 5 ( It should be similar for other linux distros as well )

  1. Install ruby rpms via yum:
    # yum install ruby ruby-libs ruby-mode ruby-rdoc ruby-irb ruby-ri ruby-docs
  2. Download and install rubygems from
    Change to the extracted directory and run:
    # ruby setup.rb
  3. Now use gem to install rails. It will ask about installing dependencies. Answer "Y" or just hit return.
    # gem install rails
  4. Test it by creating a skeleton rails app in your home directory:
    $ cd ~
    $ rails testapp
  5. Start the WEBrick server.
    $ cd ~/testapp
    $ ruby script/server

    The WEBrick server should now be started and listening to the default port - 3000 .
    Point your browser to:


    You should see a welcome page with some additional getting started info.


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I try new installing

I have a some tutorial for installing Rails 3.0.3 in Ubuntu with help of RVM. may be can help

Fix: install through yum

In case other folks find this, the following worked for me:

We install an entire ruby package including mysql (and its development kit) through yum. Customize as you see fit:

yum -y install ruby ruby-devel mysql mysql-devel ruby-mysql sqlite sqlite-devel ruby-sqlite3

The above process will pull RubyGems as a dependency. Now we can install gems using the gem command. After that, install rails, mongrel and sql gems:

gem install rails mongrel mysql sqlite3-ruby haml


It helped us alot Thanks for the post


Installing Ruby on Rails

Pieces You Need

* Ruby
* RubyGems
* Rails (Gem)
* A Database Engine

1. Install Ruby and RubyGems
2. Install Rails
3. Install a Database Engine

Other resources:

doesn't work also

Doesn't work also

if you ntop on the same system then you have problem!!!

Because ntop( network monitoring free software) which also use the port number 3000 by default!!! so more than one application can not access the same port, right? But it pretty easy to tweak the thing work properly.What you have to is to change the port number.

and voila!!

Installing Ruby on Rails on Fedora Core 5


First I appreciate your taking the time to post this starter on Ruby on Rails.
It has gotten me started after several other tutorials left me confused. I did
however have a difficult time with using gem to install rails. I keep getting
an error message:
gem install rails
Bulk updating Gem source index for:
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::GemNotFoundException)
Could not find rails (> 0) in any repository
After several googles, I finally found that I needed to remove
source_cache file in /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8. After this still didnt
work, I found another source_cache file in my home directory/.gem.
Deleted that one and I am on my way.
I hope this will help others on the road to ruby on rails.



Installing Ruby on Rails on Fedora Core 5

Following blu.....'s fix for getting gem to install rails, I removed the source_cache file in both /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8 as well as one in my home directory/gem. Unfortunately it didn't solve the problem for me.

This worked for me:

# gem cleanup
Cleaning up installed gems...
Clean Up Complete
# gem update
Updating installed gems...
Bulk updating Gem source index for:
[BGems: [] updated

I was then able to carry on with:

# gem install rails

Thanks to for this solution :-)

Hope this helps others.


Install mysql api module for ruby on fc5
  1. Install ruby-devel package if you don't have it installed already:
    # yum install ruby-devel
  2. Install mysql packages if you don't have it installed already:
    # yum install mysql mysql-devel mysql-server
  3. Start mysqld and Setup a root password for mysql:
    # service mysqld start
    # mysqladmin -u root password '<passwd>'
  4. Configure with path to mysql_config and install the mysql api via gem:
    # cd /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mysql-2.7
    # ruby extconf.rb --with-mysql-config=/usr/bin/mysql_config
    # make
    # ruby ./test.rb [hostname [user [passwd [dbname [port [socket [flag]]]]]]]
    # make install
    # gem install mysql
line 1 step 4 doesn't work

there's no directory /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mysql-2.7

step 4 simplified

yum install -y ruby-mysql.i386

Doesn't work

# ruby extconf.rb --with-mysql-config=/usr/bin/mysql_config
ruby: No such file or directory -- extconf.rb (LoadError)

Step 4 is confusing

Got to Step 4
# cd /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mysql-2.7

but my
does not contain a "mysql-2.7" directory

Where does it created and since it's not there how do I create it.
What is supposed to be in it?


mysql Ruby binding

Did you install mysql Ruby binding? If not, install the bindings using:

# gem install mysql

You should then have the directory

On FC5 I needed the following

gem install mysql -- --with-mysql-lib=/usr/lib/mysql

doesn't work

Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of necessary libraries and/or headers. Check the mkmf.log file for more details. You may need configuration options.
