The Power of Find !!

find is one of the most usefull and important utilities any *NIX has. We will try to demonstrate you with some find basics.

find begins at a specified point on a directory tree and searches all lower branches for files that match a given set of parameters.

$ find path operators

path is the directory in which find will begin to search. Any number of directories can be specified. The search is recursive.

opeators/options tells find which files you are interested in.

The operators/options are:

    -name filename
    Find files with the given filename.
    -perm mode Find files with the given access mode (permission)
    -type c Finds the files of the given type.

    b - Block special file (device file)

    c - Character special file (device file)

d - Directory

f - Regular file

l - Symbolic link

p - Named pipe file

s - Socket
-user name Find files belonging to user name. -group name Find files belonging to group name. -size n Find files that are
n block long ( a block is 512 bytes). You can also use +n for finding files
that are bigger than n blocks long. If we use nc we refer to n bytes.
-inum n Finds files with the inode
number n.
-atime n Finding files that
were accessed n days ago.
You can also use the +n for finding files that were accessed over n

days ago, or even -n for finding files that were accessed less than n days ago. -mtime n

Same as -atime but here we
find files that were modified n days ago.
-ctime n Same as -atime and -mtime but
here we find files that were changed n days ago.
-newer file Find files that have been
modified more recently than

Matching several criteria: operator1 -a operator2 Find files
that match operator1 and operator2. The operator -a is not necessary, you can also
do as folows: operator1 operator2 and find will assume you want files that
match both of them.
operator1 -o operaror2 Find files that match
operator 1 or operator2.
!operator Find files that do not match
\( expression \) In a complex expression,
evaluate the expression before the rest.

What actions to do when we find those files? -print Print the file's that were
found. You will not get any output to the screen from the command unless you will use -print.
-exec command Execute a command on
those files that were found
-ok command Same as -exec command
but it prompts you before performing the command on the files that were found.

How do find works?

  • find looks at one file at a time.
  • find using the files i-node information to evaluate an expression
    given by the command line operators.

  • The action is taken if the expression value is true.

    Note: Spaces are requierd before and after operators like !, \(, \),
    and {}, in addition to spaces before and after every other operator.


    • $find . -mtime 10 -print

    Find files on our current directory and all its sub-directories that were modified 10 days ago.

  • $find . -mtime +5 -mtime -8 -print

    Find files on your current directory and all its sub-directories that were modified
    between 5-8 days.
  • $find . -type f -atime +35 -print

    Find files on your current directory and all its sub-directories that are FILES and were
    not accessed for more than 35 days.
  • $find . -name "*.tmp" -o -name "*.c" -print

    Find files on our current directory and all its sub-directories that either ends with a
    .tmp or ends with a .c.

  • Now i want to find files that end with either *.tmp or *.o and that were last
    modified over 6 days ago. How can i do this?

    $find . -mtime +6 \( -name "*.tmp" -o -name "*.c"\) -print
  • Lets explain what we have done. We evaluate the -name "*.tmp" -o -name "*.c"
    expression first, than if its true (their are files that match it) only than we look for
    files that were last modified over 6 days ago also than if their is a match find
    will print it to standard output.

    What whould happen if we were doing this?:

    $find . -mtime +6 -name "*.tmp" -o name "*.c" -print

    This is not what we wanted. Why? when find see two operators without -o between
    them it interperate it as AND. It will look for files that were last modified over 6
    days ago and end with "*.tmp" or for files that end with "*.c". This is obviously
    not what we were asking for.

  • What if we do not want to match the criteria we put on the last example? We put a !

    $find . ! \( -mtime +6 \( -name "*.tmp" -o -name "*.c"\) \) -print
  • $find / -type f -perm -20 -exec chmod g+x {} \;

    Finding files on the system with group permission set to write and giving them
    execute permissions as well. What will be the difference if we will use this command?
  • $find / -type f -perm -20 -ok chmod g+x {} \;

    It would have asked us to verify every execution.

    Note: We used here -perm -20 to match all files that
    have group permissions set to w, ----w----. This will match any combination
    that includes group write permission, such as : rwxrwxrws (-perm 777), rwxrwxr-w (-perm 775)
    rwxrw-rw- (766) etc.

    If we were using :

    $find / -type f -perm 777 -print

    It would only list files with permission that is rwxrwxrwx and not others.

    We use the minus (-) sign and the Octal value to reach this varaiety of files and their

  • $find . -size +15000c -size -20000c -print

    Will find files on the current directory and its subdirectories that are greater than 15,000 bytes
    but less than 20,000 bytes.
  • $find . -type f -user mia -perm 755 -print

    Find all of the user mia's files that are with permission -rwxr-xr-x.


    • Times in find command (refering to -atime -mtime -ctime):

    • If you specify a number with no sign, for example 3, it means the 24-hour period
      that ended excactly three days ago. Every thing between 72-96 hours.
  • If you specify a number with a - (minus) sign (-mtime -3) it referce to the period
    since that time. Example -mtime -3 is any time between now and three days ago.
    Every thing between 0-72 hours.
  • If you specify a number with + (plus) sign, it referce to the 24-hour period before

    that time. Example -mtime +3 is any time more than 3 days ago.

  • What if you want to find files that were created on your system after a specific time
    and date? How can we do that? The answer is quite simple:
      $touch 09151600 4pm15sep

      $find / -newer 4pm15sep -print

    What we made here is an empty file and gave it the 15-9 as the date and 4pm as the time using
    the touch command. Now we simply search our system (/) for newer files than 4pm15sep.

  • We can use newer to search our system for files between two accurate times:
      $touch 0915160093 4pmsep15_93
  • $touch 0820214795 9_47pmaug8_95

    $find . -newer 4pmsep15_93 ! 9_47pmaug8_95 -print

    Last command will search our current directory and its subdirectories for files between
    4pm 15th september 1993 and 9:47 pm August 8th 1995.


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    Piping files with spaces to xargs

    Change mode of all files to "-rw-r--r--". This will also include files with spaces.

    $ find ./ -type f -printf "\"%p\"\n"| xargs chmod 644