I was caught by this when upgrading CentOS servers from 5.2 to 5.3. Should make it a habit to atleast read the release notes!!
When upgrading from an earlier version of Red Hat
Enterprise Linux to 5.3, you may encounter the following
error:Updating : mypackage ################### [
472/1655]rpmdb: unable to lock mutex: Invalid argumentThe cause of the locking issue is that the shared futex
locking in glibc was enhanced with per-process futexes
between 5.2 and 5.3. As a result, programs running against
the 5.2 glibc can not properly perform shared futex locking
against programs running with the 5.3 glibc.This particular error message is a side effect of a package
calling rpm as part of its install scripts. The rpm
instance performing the upgrade is using the prior glibc
throughout the upgrade, but the rpm instance launched from
within the script is using the new glibc.To avoid this error, upgrade glibc first in a separate run,
ie# yum update glibc
# yum updateYou will also see this error if you downgrade glibc to an
earlier version on an installed 5.3 system.
- sandip's blog
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Hi I too was caught out by this issue. I too should have read the release notes but was not aware i was upgrading from 5.2 to 5.3 when i did the yum update.
Question is now this has happened what should i do?
Other than seeing a warning what does this now mean to my system?
Do i need to rebuild the RPM database?
If you have instructions for me, can you please give me the commands to type as i am relatively newbie.
The output from my yum update is:
Oh and thanks in advance for any help you provide. It is much appreciated.
Running rpm_check_debug ##################### [ 1/664] ##################### [ 2/664] p; ##################### [ 3/664] ##################### [ 4/664] ##################### [ 5/664] nbsp; ##################### [ 6/664] nbsp; ##################### [ 7/664] bsp; ##################### [ 8/664] nbsp; ##################### [ 9/664] bsp; ##################### [ 10/664] nbsp; ##################### [ 11/664] bsp; ##################### [ 12/664] bsp; ##################### [ 13/664] ; ; ; ; ##################### [ 14/664] bsp; ##################### [ 15/664] sp; ##################### [ 16/664] ##################### [ 17/664] sp; ##################### [ 18/664] sp; ##################### [ 19/664] ; ; ; ; ##################### [ 20/664] p; ##################### [ 21/664] nbsp; ##################### [ 22/664] bsp; ##################### [ 23/664] ##################### [ 24/664] sp; ##################### [ 25/664] ##################### [ 26/664] ##################### [ 27/664] bsp; ##################### [ 28/664] sp; ##################### [ 29/664] br /> Updating : libstdc++ ##################### [ 30/664] p; ##################### [ 31/664] ##################### [ 32/664] ##################### [ 33/664] ##################### [ 34/664] p; ##################### [ 35/664] nbsp; ##################### [ 36/664] sp; ##################### [ 37/664] ##################### [ 38/664] bsp; ##################### [ 39/664] sp; ##################### [ 40/664] ; ; ; ##################### [ 41/664] sp; ##################### [ 42/664] sp; ##################### [ 43/664] ; ; ; ; ##################### [ 44/664] sp; ##################### [ 45/664] ; ; ; ; ##################### [ 46/664] bsp; ##################### [ 47/664] ; ; ; ; ##################### [ 48/664] bsp; ##################### [ 49/664] nbsp; ##################### [ 50/664] sp; ##################### [ 51/664] ; ; ; ; ##################### [ 52/664] ##################### [ 53/664] ##################### [ 54/664] p; ##################### [ 55/664] nbsp; ##################### [ 56/664] ; ; ; ; ##################### [ 57/664] ; ; ; ; ##################### [ 58/664] nbsp; ##################### [ 59/664] ##################### [ 60/664] p; ##################### [ 61/664] ; ; ; ##################### [ 62/664] p; ##################### [ 63/664] nbsp; ##################### [ 64/664]
Running Transaction Test
Finished Transaction Test
Transaction Test Succeeded
Running Transaction
Updating : libgcc
Updating : libgcc
Updating : kernel-headers &nbs
Updating : tzdata
Updating : glibc-common
Updating : glibc &
Updating : glibc &
warning: /etc/ld.so.conf created as /etc/ld.so.conf.rpmnew
warning: /etc/nsswitch.conf created as /etc/nsswitch.conf.rpmnew
Updating : bash &n
rpmdb: unable to lock mutex: Invalid argument
rpmdb: unable to lock mutex: Invalid argument
Updating : glib2 &
Updating : popt &n
Updating : glib2 &
Updating : nspr &n
Updating : perl &n
rpmdb: unable to lock mutex: Invalid argument
rpmdb: unable to lock mutex: Invalid argument
rpmdb: unable to lock mutex: Invalid argument
rpmdb: unable to lock mutex: Invalid argument
Updating : libxml2
Updating : audit-libs &n
Updating : libstdc++ &nb
Updating : ORBit2
Updating : nss &nb
Updating : elfutils-libelf &nb
Updating : libxml2
Updating : freetype &nbs
Updating : pango &
Updating : popt &n
Updating : tcp_wrappers
Updating : libgcrypt &nb
Updating : gnutls
Updating : ORBit2
Updating : nspr &n
Updating : nss &nb
warning: /etc/pki/nssdb/cert8.db created as /etc/pki/nssdb/cert8.db.rpmnew
warning: /etc/pki/nssdb/key3.db created as /etc/pki/nssdb/key3.db.rpmnew<
Updating : binutils &nbs
Updating : libpng
Updating : procps
Updating : libvolume_id
Updating : freetype &nbs
Updating : pango &
Updating : libgcrypt &nb
Updating : gnutls
Updating : audit-libs &n
warning: /etc/libaudit.conf created as /etc/libaudit.conf.rpmnew
Updating : elfutils-libelf &nb
Updating : elfutils-libs
Updating : gstreamer-tools &nb
Updating : gstreamer &nb
Updating : iproute
Updating : zip &nb
Updating : libsoup
Updating : lm_sensors &n
Updating : libgomp
Updating : file &n
Updating : libgfortran &
Updating : gstreamer &nb
Updating : libsoup
Updating : libvolume_id
Updating : libpng
Updating : elfutils &nbs
Updating : crash &
Updating : iputils
Updating : ethtool
Updating : patch &
Updating : redhat-logos
Updating : redhat-artwork &nbs
Updating : glibc-headers
rpmdb: unable to lock mutex: Invalid argument
rpmdb: unable to lock mutex: Invalid argument
Updating : metacity &nbs
rpmdb: unable to lock mutex: Invalid argument
rpmdb: unable to lock mutex: Invalid argument
Updating : glibc-devel &
Updating : redhat-menus