
DirectAdmin user and password

I've had to test some connectivity issues with pop and imap clients without having access to their account info.

"/etc/virtual/{domain.tld}/passwd" file holds their user and md5 password hash. Make sure to backup this file first.

Generate a new md5-based password hash:

openssl passwd -1

Edit "/etc/virtual/{domain.tld}/passwd" file replacing the password hash with the above.

Test login to mail.

Once debugging is finished, restore the file back.

Check for entries in passwd file

Check for entries in passwd file:

getent passwd username >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "user exists" || echo "user does not exist"

id username >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "user exists" || echo "user does not exist"

awk -F':' '$1 ~ /^username$/ {print $0}' /etc/passwd  | grep -w username >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "user exists" || echo "user does not exist"
