auotmount shares for vzyum updates

Note: The directions at "" did not quite work for me as ".gpgkeyschecked.yum" gets created in the yum-cache directory as well and is not available to the containers. The workaround below worked for me.

To share the vzyum cache directory between various containers. Edit "/etc/auto.master" to include the following:

/vz/root/{vpsid}/var/cache/yum-cache /etc/auto.vzyum

Include one line for each installed or planned VPS, replacing {vpsid} with the adequate value.

Then, create "/etc/auto.vzyum" file with only this line:

share -bind,ro,nosuid,nodev :/var/cache/yum-cache/share

Restart the automounter daemon.

Edit "/vz/template/centos/5/x86_64/config/yum.conf" and change cachedir location:


Create the corresponding cachedir:

mkdir /var/cache/yum-cache/share

Test with:

vzyum {vpsid} clean all

This should create all of the yum cache directory at "/var/cache/yum-cache/share" location and should be available to the openvz container via bind mount.


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try apt-cache-ng
