
Getting a colored shell prompt

Working in the world of the Linux command line is normally a monochromatic experience. Carefully chosen colors in interfaces can enhance their useability.

Find out how to color your command prompt !


CGI:IRC - is a Perl/CGI program that lets you access IRC from a web browser, it is designed to be flexible and has many uses such as an IRC gateway for an IRC network, a chat-room for a website or to access IRC when stuck behind a restrictive firewall.

Linux Tutorial Network

The Linux Tutorial Network - not a big organization, it is simply a loosely knit group of people who work with their own or clients Linux servers on a daily basis.

Mailing list ARChives

The Mailing list ARChives - (MARC) homed at 10 East (formerly the AIMS group, made up of the people who used to be Progressive Computer Concepts, Inc--we're thinking of starting a pool on what their next name will be...) is a project devised, developed, and (try to!) maintained in spare time. It is an RDBMS (MySQL, to be exact) driven database of mailing list messages, viewable and browsable by list, thread, author, or searchable via a full-text search engine. Its interface is no-frills but highly functional, designed to be useable even over slow

Freeware Revolution

Become a part of the FreeWare Revolution... NO SHAREWARE - NO TRIAL VERSIONS - NO DEMOS - NO TIMEOUTS!

Also check out Freeware by WebGrid, a part of the revolution!!


Spamcup - Spamcup is a tool for automatic Spamcop reporting. It performs the same actions as if you were to report spam to with a Web browser, but from the commandline.

ShopCMS Paypal Shopping Cart

ShopCMS Paypal Shopping Cart is a catalog manager and shopping cart that features two levels of categories, a collapsible navigation menu, full PayPal integration, customizable templates with detailed style sheets, a WYSIWYG HTML editor for product info, compatibility with most Web servers and operating systems, and support for mod_perl. It handles image uploading and cloning of existing Items, includes a browser-based administration control panel, and ranks popular products.

Redhat Linux kernel update using up2date in command line

You will first need to register your system with the Redhat Network. If not, STOP, google "rhn_register".

Type the below commands in your shell as root:

#up2date -i -f kernel (for single processor server)


#up2date -i -f kernel-smp (for dual processor server)

Check to see all files exits in the "/boot" directory that "/etc/lilo.conf" is pointing to... followed by:

#lilo -v -v install the boot loader, the "-v" option increases verborsity.

Look carefully for any errors before rebooting.

#shutdown -r now

Above is a shortcut of the steps to do the update. If you need a more extensive howto, then visit the Forum.

Linux Useful Commands

Linux Useful Commands - Well what can I say, read on... good list of tips for Linux users!!

The Linux Cookbook: Tips and Techniques for Everyday Use

Linux Cookbook - A hands-on guide to getting things done on a Linux system, designed for the everyday user who is not necessarily a computer programmer.
