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Ode to the Graphing Calculator

LifeHacker.com - Fri, 05/19/2017 - 16:00

The ridiculously expensive Texas Instruments graphing calculator is slowly but surely getting phased out. The times they are a-changin’ for the better, but I’m feeling nostalgic. I have some wonderful memories associated with my TIs.


Categories: Hacks

What to Do When You Need $100, Fast 

LifeHacker.com - Fri, 05/19/2017 - 15:00

A new poll from Bloomberg suggests that almost half of Americans would have a hard time affording a $100 emergency, like a speeding ticket, medical bill, or other unexpected expense. Consider the idea that maybe this says less about the financial habits of Americans than it does our garbage economy.


Categories: Hacks

Twitter Changed Their Privacy Policy, So Update Your Settings

LifeHacker.com - Fri, 05/19/2017 - 15:00

Twitter introduced an updated privacy policy on Wednesday that has users worried about how their private information is being tracked, stored and used. In the policy, the micro-blogging platform announced its plans to discontinue a privacy preference it previously honored, store your cookies for a longer period of…


Categories: Hacks

Ask Dr. NerdLove: How Do I Get Better At Oral Sex?

LifeHacker.com - Fri, 05/19/2017 - 14:30

Hello all you pervert people of the intertubes, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the time-jaunting dating advice column that helps you avoid mistakes before you make them.


Categories: Hacks

3-Ingredient Happy Hour: The Sweet and Tart Mulligan

LifeHacker.com - Fri, 05/19/2017 - 13:30

Happy weekend, and welcome back to 3-Ingredient Happy Hour, the weekly drink column featuring super simple yet delicious libations. This weekend is going to a hot one—or at least moderately warm one—so I think a porch sipper is in order.


Categories: Hacks

Light Up Your Site With BioLite's NanoGrid

LifeHacker.com - Fri, 05/19/2017 - 13:05

Yesterday we took a look at BioLite’s CampStove 2, and today we’re diving into their lighting ecosystem.


Categories: Hacks

How to Make a Graduation Cap Fit on Kinky or Curly Hair

LifeHacker.com - Fri, 05/19/2017 - 10:30

If a graduation cap won’t fit over your hair, maybe it’s the cap that needs a little styling. Natural hair vlogger Chizi Duru shows us how.


Categories: Hacks

Will It Sous Vide? A Boozy Chocolate-Cherry Sundae

LifeHacker.com - Fri, 05/19/2017 - 09:30

Welcome to this week’s edition of Will It Sous Vide?, the weekly column where I usually make whatever you want me to with my immersion circulator.


Categories: Hacks

Get Ready for $1,000 IUDs and $1,600 Colonoscopies Under Trumpcare

LifeHacker.com - Fri, 05/19/2017 - 08:30

We’ve been living high on the hog these last few years: getting mammograms and colonoscopies whenever we need them, vaccinating ourselves against cancer-causing viruses for free, preventing unwanted babies from showing up in our wombs without having to spend our rent money to do so. But those days might be over soon,…


Categories: Hacks

8 Reasons You Should Care a Lot About the 2020 Census 

LifeHacker.com - Fri, 05/19/2017 - 07:52

Do you care about the 2020 census? You should. We all probably should care more about the 2020 census, because John Thompson, the director of the Census Bureau and the man in charge of running the 2020 census, stepped down last week. It’s hard to overstate what huge news this is, and yet the story isn’t getting a ton…


Categories: Hacks

Save $10 On Anker's Newest Wireless SoundBuds

LifeHacker.com - Fri, 05/19/2017 - 07:35

Anker’s original SoundBuds are your favorite affordable wireless earbuds, but the new SoundBuds Tag just got their biggest discount ever. $26 is $10 less than usual, and beats the previous deal we saw by $2.


Categories: Hacks

Colleges Are Using Price Discrimination—Here's How to Fight It 

LifeHacker.com - Thu, 05/18/2017 - 16:00

You want to go to Tokyo, so you hit up Google Flights and do some research. Tickets are around $800, but you close your browser window and decide to look again later. A couple of months pass, and those same flights are now $1,200. What gives? It’s called price discrimination, and colleges use the same strategy to sell…


Categories: Hacks

What "Classified Information" Means, and What Happens If You Divulge It 

LifeHacker.com - Thu, 05/18/2017 - 15:00

The media is ablaze over President Trump sharing classified information with Russian foreign officials—but what is classified information exactly? And what happens if you disclose it? Good news: You’ve been granted clearance to acquire this not-quite-top-secret knowledge.


Categories: Hacks

I Bought a Pair of Overalls and Now I Will Never Wear Anything Else 

LifeHacker.com - Wed, 05/17/2017 - 16:00

My “look”—if I even possess such a thing—is best described as equal parts “teenage dirtbag” and “someone who is allergic to pants.” My wardrobe is comprised of jeans, jeans that have been cut into shorts, t-shirts, flimsy dresses, and not much else. But a new garment has edged its way into my wardrobe—and heart—and it…


Categories: Hacks

Your Reclining Airplane Seat Vs. The Lap Behind You: Who Owns the Air Rights? 

LifeHacker.com - Wed, 05/17/2017 - 13:00

It’s annoying as hell when you have your tray table down, trying to work or eat, and the person in front of you reclines, narrowing the already tiny gap between your knees and their seatback. To retaliate, you recline your own seat—it’s your right, after all—and annoy the person behind you. It’s a frustrating domino…


Categories: Hacks

Change Your Passwords: 560 Million Email Credentials Have Been Leaked 

LifeHacker.com - Wed, 05/17/2017 - 11:00

You know by now that you should be changing your passwords regularly— every day there seems to be another cyber security crisis. If you haven’t changed your passwords recently, it’s now officially time: a massive database containing login credentials is floating around the internet.


Categories: Hacks

How to Buy a Puppy Without Getting Scammed

LifeHacker.com - Wed, 05/17/2017 - 10:00

Let’s talk about buying pets online. It’s not a terrible idea, if you can avoid the flood of online scammers waiting to take your money without handing over a puppy. If you’re really set on a specific breed or don’t have a shelter near you, keep these tips in mind so you don’t get taken advantage of.


Categories: Hacks

Cut the Cord With Best-Ever Deals on Anker's New Qi Charging Pads

LifeHacker.com - Wed, 05/17/2017 - 09:14

If your phone supports Qi wireless charging, it’s a great day to buy some new pads to scatter around your home and office, as Anker’s 5W and 10W PowerTouch pads are both on sale for all-time low prices.


Categories: Hacks

How to Make a Freaking Pan Sauce

LifeHacker.com - Wed, 05/17/2017 - 09:00

When I first started cooking for myself and others, I considered a steak dinner to be the epitome of sophisticated adult-ness, especially when served with an aggressively tannic bottle of red wine. I wasn’t bad at making the meal, but one element always eluded me: the freaking pan sauce.


Categories: Hacks